Error :
“user does not exist or is not unique”
Resolution :
- This error could come from a mapping with the user source that is not available (Active Directory, Single Sign On solution)
- Try to reconnect the source
Error :
“user does not exist or is not unique”
Resolution :
If you call a method of image web service to retrieve pictures from a sharepoint user, you might get a 404 error because the picture references an old mysite collection, so the url is invalid.
To solution that problem, update every pictures of every users, you probably can do it by script powershell of console application.
Windows 8 est disponible pour le grand public dés octobre 2012 mais déjà disponible pour les étudiants grâce au programme MSDNA et Dreamspark premium. Ainsi je suis en train de migrer vers ce système d’exploitation.
En développant Microsoft Windows 8, Microsoft a souhaité répondre aussi aux besoins des professionnels de l’informatique qui utilisent Windows Server 2008 comme OS pour leur tâches quotidiennes.
Je vais décrire ci-dessous, l’utilisation que je ferai de Windows 8 comme système d’exploitation avec Hyper-V afin de pouvoir l’utiliser de manière professionnelle.
J’utilise Windows Server 2008 comme système d’exploitation afin de pouvoir avoir Hyper-V. Cependant, cette solution s’accompagne de tout le bric-à-brac de Windows Server qui sont inutiles et encombrants.
En attendant d’être certain qui Win8 répondra à mon besoin, je l’ai installé sur une autre partition. L’installation prend environ 20minutes sur mon pc. Il ne me reste pus qu’à installer Hyper-V et les applications standards (Office, 7zip, Vlc…)
Pré-réquis pour installer hyper-v
Cet article décrit comment installer hyper-v sur windows 8
Utilisation de windows 8
A l’utilisation, windows 8 est très fluide. L’interface métro affiche une panoplie d’informations grâce aux applications provenant du windows store.
J’utilise souvent les touches Win + D afin de retrouver le bureau. ALT + Tab fonctionne toujours.
Il est toujours possible d’installer les applications qui fonctionnaient sous windows 7 ou windows server 2008.
Ainsi il est possible de travailler de la même manière que sous Windows Server 2008, sans le menu démarrer.
Je pense mettre un peu de temps à m’habituer à ne plus utiliser le menu démarrer, mais si le changement est trop dérangeant il est possible d’installer une des versions alternatives du menu démarrer grâce à des programmes tierces.
Professionnels de l’informatique ou non, quelles sont vos retours d’experience sous windows 8 ?
Since Windows 8 Consumer Preview, you can install Hyper-V on the system.
It brings new capacity for building a SharePoint Environment : SharePoint running in virtual machines, with Windows 8 OS.
Microsoft answered the needs of many IT Professionals who use Windows Server 2008 as their OS for everyday, with hyper-v for their virtual Machine.
To install Hyper-V on Windows 8, you need SLAT Technology on your computer. In order to check if you computer support this technology, check howtogeek website.
Then follow the instructions on how to geek tutorial.
Steve ballmer announced SharePoint 2013 Preview. The webcast is available here.
SharePoint 2013 could be installed on one of the following versions of Windows Server :
Microsoft Published (now it’s deleted), a features overview for developpers
• Provide an overview of the new features, functional areas, and product enhancements in SharePoint 15.
• Summarize the key features of the SharePoint 15 application development platform and describe the key features of Marketplaces.
• Explain what a SharePoint-Hosted app is, and describe how to build a SharePoint-Hosted app.
• Explain what a Cloud-Hosted app is, and describe how to build a Cloud-Hosted app.
• Describe how developers extend Office Application user interfaces by creating Agaves and publishing them in different catalogs.
• Describe how to create and code a simple Agave that interacts with document content.
• Describe improvements in Manage Metadata Services, Enterprise Content Management and Web Content Management in SharePoint 15.
• Describe the new social networking functionality available to SharePoint 15 App developers.
• Describe how the new capabilities of the SharePoint Search engine can be used in SharePoint Apps.
• Describe how to query the index from a SharePoint-Hosted app using CSOM.
Big css crashing in Visual studio is a known issue with Visual Studio 2011 :
Solution :
Design a SharePoint 2010 Architecture from scratch and for a big company could be tricky.
How many frontend servers / applicative servers / query server would I need ?
Edit : HP Sizer does not exist anymore as free version in 2018
Refer to MSDN articles to find out the recommended architecture or pay HP Sizer from HP.
You want to create a webpart for SharePoint 2010 but you don’t know which class to use ?
I was using those way :
But there is a more simple way :
This will export a .webpart
You could see the full namespace used, and so the ClassName : ContentByQueryWebpart.
Hope that helped,