Once a Vendor Qualification Request is validated, the business team shall receive an email after 3 years informing that the request is about to expire. This solution can be achieved by a super user as it doesnt require programming skills.
You have developed your SPFX Extension, you need to deploy it to multiple sites or sites collections. The programming approach is preferred instead of feature deployment.
The following code sample deploys a placeholder custom action (for this example it was a mega menu) to multiple sites. It is inspired fromYPCode Blog article
Creating webpart and script editor is a quick (dirty J) way to deploy a component in any SharePoint or Office 365 version.
To optimize this development process, version the code in git/tfs and fasten the deployment, you can use gulp watch method inspired from Wictor Wilen.
I got this working thanks to my colleague Max (twitter)
Though the recommended approach for non-SharePoint 2016 (feature pack 2, which includes spfx webpart) environment is to create a typescript webpart, to allow easier migration to SPFX in future.
The modern UI in office 365 requires sharepoint framework to customize some area.
In this tutorial I will explain how I have proceed to migrate a javascript mega menu to Spfx extension (the way for modern ui to add header, footer, or javascript as if it was your master page)
Satya nadella mentionned that its by giving users the great tool that they are empowered.
What are the set of tools that anybody could have to achieve this ?
I share below my toolbox as a Office 365 / SharePoint Consultant / developer ! Some tools are only for developer but most of it could be used by any employee.
I shared some screenshots of One Note, which is for me my principle key tool.
Feel free to share your tools list.
My list:
One Note (Take note, research for notes, access knowledge and procedure)
Gif Recorder : licecap (i’ve tried some before, this is the most efficient)
PicPick (Screenshot a zone of the screen to clipboard)
Keepass (Save Password and user name and quickly access it)
Document collaboration : OneDriveforbusiness plugged on SharePoint 2013 (share the same version of the document and collaborate on it with colleagues)
Franz / Slack (Franz : to access whatsapp, facebook messenger)
Evernote (Take personal note)
Wunderlist (Todo list for professional matter) – SWITCHED TO PLANNER
Todoist (Todo list for personal matter)
Spotify (Productivity software to play music :D)
VisualStudioCode and notepad++ (IDE and text editor)
ChromePlugins :
ColorPick Eyedropper (pick the color code from a page, for css)
Keep up with technology , La “Veille” + Learnnewthings :
Twitter (Search for a technology, example TypeScript)
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