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How to connect to multiple tenants in Microsoft Teams ! The user friendly guide


So you have Teams for your own company, and your customer invites you as a guest to his tenant (Article – Expand your collaboration with guest access in Microsoft Teams). Or you are a vendor and work for multiple customers with different tenants accounts. So you want to use multiple Teams accounts at the same time.

At this moment (03 2018), Microsoft Teams Windows Client does not provide an easy way to switch between Teams within multiple office 365 tenants. You can be you are not notified each time you have a message so it makes it useless.

You might workaround by using the windows app for one Team and Chrome for an other Team but you might never check Chrome Teams messages…

I have found a handy way to workaround that, and the solution was in front of me every day but I did not see it !

SOLUTION : Set up Franz to use multiple Teams account

I use the Window app Franz to chat in the same window on whatsapp / facebook

messenger / tweeter (multiple accounts) etc.

Image 17.png

Franz has a lot of handy connection to most popular chat tools

Image 18 z.png

And guess what ? There is one for teams too


So simply download franz

Add as many Teams service as you have of office 365 tenant, allowing to run multiple instance of Teams within the same Franz Window !

Connect to your tenant, select the guest tenant.

You’ll get notified whenever you have a message in you windows bar

teams 2 accounts.png

An other way (more geeky) :

An other way (my favorite) – Chrome Profile or Edge Profile:

Create Chrome or Edge Profile, for each profile you connect to a different Teams account

Image 2.png

Wrap up

You can now chat in multiple tenant Teams and you don’t need the Windows Team app anymore!! The downside is that the windows app is more convenient… waiting for Microsoft to release this feature.

Associated user voices (please vote :))

Find your way back on Modern UI – Modern vs Classic UI in Office 365 – On Collab365


When I switched to Modern UI I was confused ! Where are my buttons I used to know for years !?

This article is posted on Collab365 and is composed of 3 chapters, helping you understand what and where are your usual actions on the modern UI:

  • Features only available on Modern UI
  • Features only available on Classic UI
  • Features on both experience (achieved in different ways)

Associated Youtube video to the article

This is a new format, let me know your feedback in this article and suggest new content you’d like to see 🙂

See yaaa

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OkzExPuGEY&w=560&h=315]

How to create site collections by PowerShell using SharePoint Online Management Shell


Let’s say you are migrating from another system and you need to create multiple site collection by PowerShell ?

This code covers :

  1. How to connect to office 365 using credentials stored in a text file, so that you don’t have to re-authenticate each time you run it.
  2. Iterate an array of sites URL to be created
  3. Create team sites (template sts). The template id has been found with Get-SPOSite on an existing website. You can create a site manually and find its template this way

1. Connect to Office

This is the part that shall be done once per tenant, to save the account password as a text file.

[code language=”powershell”]
Read-Host -Prompt “” -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File “C:\DEV\tenantcred.txt”
Once this done, call the helper with your tenant name (adminUPN), it will build the admin URL automatically (https://tenant-admin.sharepoint.com):

[code language=”powershell”]
ConnectToO365 $passwordCredAsText $adminUPN $orgName

3. Create the site collections

To know which template you shall create, you could create one manually and get it using Get-SPOSite with the -detailed fl (full list parameter)

[code language=”powershell”]
#Get-SPOSite -Identity https://mytenant.sharepoint.com/sites/site1 -detailed |fl
Then create your site collection :

[code language=”powershell”]
New-SPOSite -Url $url -Template “STS#0” -Owner “domain\\account1” -StorageQuota

The full code (create this file as createSites.ps1)

[code language=”powershell”]
$orgName = “mytenant”
$adminUPN = “myaccount@tenant.com”

$passwordCredAsText = “C:\DEV\myCred.txt”
. ./ConnectToAdminO365Admin.ps1
ConnectToO365 $passwordCredAsText $adminUPN $orgName

#view a site information
#Get-SPOSite -Identity https://mytenant.sharepoint.com/sites/site1

#do not put a “/” at the end of the url
$arrayOfUrl = @(“http://mytenant.sharepoint.com/sites/site2”,
“https://mytenant.sharepoint.com/sites/site3”, “https://mytenant.sharepoint.com/sites/site4”)

foreach ($url in $arrayOfUrl) {
Write-Host “Creating $url”
New-SPOSite -Url $url -Template “STS#0” -Owner “domain\\account1” -StorageQuota “26214400”

#show site information such as site template : STS#0
#Get-SPOSite -Identity https://mytenant.sharepoint.com/sites/qed -detailed |fl

The helper (create this as a second file)

Create a file named :


[code language=”powershell”]
# By JEFF ANGAMA 19 02 2018 – https://twitter.com/jeffangama
# This code shall be tested before ran onto production
#Long description
# Before connecting to O365, this function allow you to save your password securely so that you dont have to retype it in future.
# Use the command below, rename the text file to suit your tenant
# Then run this function, see the example section for example
# COMMAND to store your credentials
# dev
#.PARAMETER sInputFile
#Parameter description
#.PARAMETER adminEmail
#Parameter description
#Parameter description
# What is the o365 org name ? its the tenant name, to build the admin url https://$orgName-admin.sharepoint.com
#An example
#$orgName = “mytenant”
#$adminUPN = “account@domain.com”
#$passwordCredAsText = “C:\DEVMIS\myTenantCred.txt”
#. ./../Common/PS/O365/ConnectToAdminO365Admin.ps1
#ConnectToO365 $passwordCredAsText $adminUPN $orgName
#General notes
function ConnectToO365 {
param ($sInputFile, $adminEmail, $orgName)
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor Green “Ensure you have stored your password in text file, refer to the help in this function”

#run this command once
#Read-Host -Prompt “” -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File “C:\DEV\tenantcred.txt”
$orgName = $orgName
$tenantAdminURL = “https://$orgName-admin.sharepoint.com”
$Pass = Get-Content $sInputFile | ConvertTo-SecureString
$userCredential = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($adminEmail, $Pass)
Write-Host “Connecting Connect-SPOService -Url $tenantAdminURL -Credential $userCredential”

Connect-SPOService -Url $tenantAdminURL -Credential $userCredential

Write-Host “Connected to $tenantAdminURL with $adminEmail”

What we’ve seen

We have seen how to create a script that creates multiple site collections and how to connect to office 365 quickly without retyping credentials


Share your experience and Discover what is possible with Microsoft 365 and SharePoint


There are thousands of projects done by Office 365 / SharePoint consultants across the planet since many years and yet I haven’t found a list of business scenario oriented IT.

Imagine a list of projects done using Office 365 and SharePoint, classified by technologies, business objective or even number of users etc.

This would inspire new ideas… Such as those sites but adding the technology to it :

Share your experience

That is what I hope WE CAN achieve.

Please share your experience in this file and maybe one day we could create such a site or even ask Microsoft to enrich their web sites with consultants / developer experience 🙂

Dont hesitate to tweet this blog post to spread the word.


Thanks to Larry ANGAMA (link to his twitter), Max  (link to his twitter) for their early contribution

excel example

Do you also feel it misses such a list in the community? What else is missing to help you recommend solutions to your customers/company?

Some examples of business scenario from the file

  • Across the company, provide a document management tool to manage draft and published version. The ISO 9001 is applied and require such process.
  • Inform the employee in the company by publishing news
  • Create an informal portal for everybody instead of printing
  • Interact with employees from other service, boost the productivity / knowledge sharing / expertise findings / Community driven
  • Ensure Government compliance in terms of data encryption/communication
    Housekeep information, update the technology stack of the non-supported environment
  • Reduce emails, Facilitate collaboration, make document research more relevant via auto-tagging, Automate process (community creation, news creation), Make information access easier
  • Enhance productivity by creating a webform and a automated process that route the request to the correct Application responsible
  • Navigate across the sites more easily than the Out of the box Office 365 Navigation
    Get versioning, streamline the process, copy email to the centralised record center
    Propose a set of training for employee, regarding his Job title
  • Offer in a single page all documents, conversion, needed skill required for a product
  • Automate Sharepoint Power users job by developing a script reading an excel and configuring permissions based on this excel

Some examples of technologies for the uses cases

  • Site Definition, Webparts searchings docs on other sites (SSOM search api)
  • Content query webparts, Webparts (SSOM)
  • Connected Webpart, event receiver (SSOM), auto provision users my site (console app (SSOM))
  • Newsgator / Ping Federate / Powershell / SSL / Database encryption
  • Migration using database Attach, console application and powershell to fix broken features
  • Migration with Sharegate, Development using C# SSOM / CSOM, Kwiz Clipboard Manager, Auto tagging tool, SharePoint Org Chart, Nintex Workflow
  • Sharepoint list, Javascript (Hillbilly template.js), Css,
  • SharePoint 2010/2013 Workflows.
  • SharePoint 2013 workflow on a list
  • Office 365, SharePoint Framework
  • Harmon.ie, Sharepoint out of the box
  • Office 365, SharePoint Sandbox Solution, Vue.js, REST API, javascript
  • Sharepoint search rest API, managed metadata
  • Powershell Pnp / Client API, CSV

Sharegate Real Case Scenarios – Feedback and guidance – PRODUCT REVIEW SERIES


This is not a sponsored article, just a feedback about this tool I’ve been using for several migration as an IT Consultant

Overview (when I start using it)

ShareGate provides a windows application to migrate SharePoint content easily. It also provides a set of tool for the administrator / power users to manage the SharePoint farm (review permissions, identify customization, identify threshold close to reach etc…) .

Understand that it is not taking care of migrating customization (such as .net webparts, jobtimer, JavaScript, apps, central administration infopath etc) developped on top of sharepoint, it does migrate workflow, nintex workflows and infopath files from libraries.

It has now been revamped graphically and features have been added but I didn’t get the chance to try.
In the next chapter, I will present real cases scenario so that you understand how Sharegate could help, then I will give the PRO / CONS I find about this solution.

Example with real scenarios

Project 1 : Migration of 1TB of data directly from MOSS 2007 to SharePoint 2013.

Considering the volume of data and a lot of developments done on the platform, the overall data migration process took about 3-4 months.

Note that the performance speed was about 6GB/Hours so the fastest we could achieve the migration would have been to let the tool run 7 days. Which was not an acceptable downtime timeframe for the business.

Instead, we have split the migration per department and rollout SharePoint sites for each division to SharePoint 2013 progressively. This allowed repeating the migration process more than 25 times, improving the success of the migration, identifying risks and patch issues faster.

From 15 database, to 40 database (we created the database ourselves) because we needed to remap content to different database for performance and structural organization purpose (a 100gb database is recommended per sharepoint on Premise database).

Sharegate helped to save a lot of time because we could skip SharePoint 2010 database migration, which is mandatory if you perform the Microsoft method.

Project 2 : Migrating a simple site from MOSS 2007 to 2010

This migration was an easy one because the volume was only 100 GB and our customer only used Out of the box sharepoint features. The site was locked during the migration and 1 day after the new platform was ready.

Project 3 : Migrating from SharePoint 2013 to Office 365

Migrating a sharepoint 2013 on premise to the cloud is a different method than on premise method using the Microsoft way. You have to use powershell to migrate it to azure as a blob file and migrate it as a site collection in office 365. You shall script every site collections. Tedious.

Sharegate makes this task easier with its unique UI. We migrated one site collection containing workflows to the cloud.

Notes that I created the site as classic UI and it was not possible to switch it to modern UI. Maybe they have a workaround for that.


  • Skip multiple environment migration, directy from 2007 to office 365
  • Unique interface
  • Pre migration check, announcing future issues
  • Inventory of customization installed on your farm


  • Automating multiple sites collection migration must be done by powershell.
  • Customization are not handled, but there are tools to list down every customizations.
  • Migration speed, using database attach it could perform faster. This is a general limitation of web services…

To wrap it up

ShareGate is a great tool that I would recommend except if you need to migrate a lot of content over a weekend, known as big bang migration 🙂

I can’t compare to other vendors such as Avepoint or metalogix as I have not tried it. I think avepoint has more advanced features and comes with a lot more other tools.

One big advantage of sharegate is the price, from 1000 USD (now 3995 usd as they seem to have merged product edition) to 5995 usd (inclusive of nintex workflow / forms migration).

Feel free to share your experience with me or ask question in the comments section below, if I made mistake about what the tool is, feedback too 🙂

Et voila !


Start small, think big, fail fast, adopt then adapt,

Summary and Feedback about European SharePoint Conference 2017 – ESPC2017


There are great conference around the world about SharePoint / Office 365 and Azure.

I’ve got the chance to go to one : European SharePoint conference in Dublin and I really recommend going to conferences. Before going, I was thinking : I could find online the presentation and watch it as if i was there ? The answer is no, it is more than that : networking, partners, ideas…

The European SharePoint Conference 2017 – #ESPC2017

The European SharePoint Conference 2017 was held in Dublin in November 2017. More than 1500 attendees, 40 speakers and sponsors.

During four days, including one day of tutorial, the attendees were able to get a refresh about business, IT Pros and Developer subjects.

The Microsoft team was here to present last innovative technologies such as:

  • Keynote Day 1
    • OCR recognition with a demonstration of searching a bill in office.com (stored in SharePoint or one drive)
    • One drive : File external Sharing to a Gmail account
    • One drive supporting more file types directly rendered in the browser (3D files etc.)
  • Keynote Day 3
    • SharePoint Framework supporting angular officially soon !
    • Re usable React components
    • New ways for developer to deploy their customisation with SPFX ALM Api for SharePoint Framework

Three great keynotes each day, the videos are available on the ESPC Website or here :

Powerpoint Slides summary

[slideshare id=84639631&doc=espc2017conferencesummary-171221173553]

I compiled a presentation for my team and wanted to share it to you, here is the presentation below. It covers Office 365 introduction before going into detail of what was presented by the speakers during the conference.

Please do not hesitate to share it on twitter mentioning @jeffangama

To wrap it up

It is a mind blowing event, you meet great people that you follow online (twitter, blogger) for your daily work and for monitoring the trends. Special thanks to VALOTeam for the whisky intranet party J

It is also a great way to meet sponsors, mostly products running on SharePoint / O365 ecosystem, filling the void between business requirements and out of the box features of SharePoint.

Happy Sharepointing and/or Christmas holidays J



Start small, fail fast, think big, adopt then adapt

Summary of SharePoint Framework Getting started with Using Office UI Fabric Components by Office 365 PnP


New video post on Office 365 Pattern & Practices, here is my sumary of it [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YRu4-nZot4&w=560&h=315]  

Tutorial objective

Teach you how easy it is to create a webpart using SharePoint Framework (aka SPFX) in Office 365 and SharePoint 2016. So how to create a webpart for sharepoint 2016 or office 365 ? This option is available for developer that can’t leverage out of the box feature (such as power apps / flow / sharepoint list etc.)

Tutorial target

Create a webpart using react in sharepoint workbench (the localhost of office 365)

SharePoint List and Microsoft List 💥 Column 💥 Formatting Options


Why this article

I wanted an exhaustive list (to be updated in future with updates) of SharePoint List or Microsoft List Column Formatting options, examples from this GitHub page. 

It allows to format a SharePoint Online or SharePoint 2019 list or document library using some JSON code.

For SharePoint 2019, there are limitation and few things to know.


Chris Kent has released a great tool as SPFX webpart helping designing your column formatting, make sure you check it out.

There is also this tool to convert HTML to JSON, by PnP community (source)

How to use this page ?

Click on each header, to access the detailed page about how to achieve each formatting.

Question you might have and support

For any question, support, I recommand you open an issue on github.

And please refer to Column formatting documentation (by Microsoft) 

More info

I update this article manually, so more column formatting may be available on the github page.

Last update : 18/03/2023

Enjoy 😁

Attention view in Office 365 – ShareQuick Series


Today I suggest to start quick series about features on Office 365.

This one is rolled out since October 2017 : Attention view.

It allows to get focused on which metadata require your attention, in this example a field that became mandatory require to be fill

Video on my channel

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2e-gMORn6w&w=560&h=315]

Please let me know which scenario / use case interest you

Office 365 Adoption Pack – Step by step setup guide


How to configure the Office 365 Adoption Pack that gives you an understanding over your company Office 365 Usage !

This tutorial let you get this beautiful power bi dashboard in 2 steps, though it takes few hours to complete as enabling it takes time.