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SharePoint 2019 – What is in it ?


Gokan Ozcifci, MVP & Microsoft Director has published a really useful infographic about what is in SharePoint 2019, what is deprecated and what is new :


Do not hesitate to print it as a reminder when people ask you what is new in SharePoint 2019 and what has disappeared.

Co Organizing the first aOS Conference in Monaco 26th September


Book your seat now

So excited to announce that 26th of September we are having our first aOS conference in Monaco !

International speakers will join the day to speak about Azure Office 365 and SharePoint.

It will be an opportunity for anybody interested in Office 365 to discover, share and meet people in this field.

microsoft conference


Become sponsor, like others

monaco conference aos

Special thanks to Patrick Guimonet, creator of aOS community, for this opportunity.

Book your seat now

SharePoint Conference 2019 #SPC19 Highlights Keynote


Here are some Sharepoint Conference 2019 highlights that I find interesting, watch those pics extracted for the Keynotes slides and demos.

Don’t hesitate to share your findings and exciting features you’ve seen !

Some numbers


Integrate OCR in an powerapps app, to categorize data


Home sites.pngIntroducing SharePoint home sites

A SharePoint home site is a communication site that is designed and designated to serve as the top portal in an organization. A communication site with some extra superpowers, so to speak”. 

” SharePoint home site, on the other hand, is an organization’s top portal. It’s a carefully crafted collection of news, content, conversations and video to deliver an engaging experience that reflects an organization’s voice, priorities and brand.”

User will get a button to go back to home.

Create a list from excel

Full Integration between sharepoint and teams


Organization templates – Easy to use document templates in libraries, and committed to delivering a more complete solution for managing templates across an organization.  Document templates are based on the existing content type infrastructure.

Automate site creation from template design .

PowerApps custom forms for document libraries.


One Drive

Request files



3D View



Improved Synch experience for large file (synch 1gb file change in 5sec)



For developers

Microsoft Graph Toolkit : set of web component leveraging graph API. It is web components technology behind. An example.

Image 031.png



Microsoft search in office.com, One Drive, Bing, windows search bar




Source :

Search that works – wherever you’re working

Microsoft Search in Bing 

SharePoint home sites: a landing for your organization on the intelligent intranet

New updates and capabilities for developers at SharePoint Conference

Microsoft Teams – Le Candidat Digital Workplace (Magazine)


Ecrit avec Christopher Glémot de original network, nous parlons du potentiel de Digital Workplace de Teams dans le magazine Smart DSI Magazine.

Lien vers l’article : Article_Microsoft_Teams_Smart DSI_Mars_2019

Channel vs Chat ? When to use what in Microsoft Teams


Microsoft Teams Users tend to chat privately using the Chat feature naturally. Microsoft Teams Channel are much more powerful though.

Summary of some important features of channel :

  • Privacy and message visibility : Channels are public to the team or private (use it if really needed) , when conversation are private to their members. When a new employee join the team, he’ll then see the history of the different conversations such as general announcements, discussed topics within the team.
  • Note that Chat history is shown automatically in a channel and optionnally in a conversation.
  • Extended Workplace : Both support tabs where applications go, but channel have more application such as planner and many other connectors, bots and teams meeting recorded as video in Stream.
  • Notification : A Channel message does not notifies users by default, conversations do. You can suscribe to channel notification if the channel interests you
  • Documents are in the SharePoint site behind the Team. A team is the hub for a team collaboration

Channels for team collaboration, app and main information

What goes in a channel ?

Think about Team as CC feature in outlook

You want to send a mail to your team ? Use a team channel instead and notify people that are the recipient of the message. Other member of the Team are like the “cc” ibe

You are a manager ? Replace email for team announcement

Use General canal and notify @yourTeamName instead of sending an email. To send important announcements, information to your team.

Start meeting for your team

Start a meeting in a chanel, and invite your team or schedule it. Members of the team will see the meeting started with this icon. Invite member of the meeting from the visioconference

Image 362.png

Configure your team workspace

Add apps using tabs in the channel (onenotes, planner, website, a sharepoint library etc)

Build and manage tailored apps for the enterprise using the Teams ...

Channel are like group of people in an open space

Communication in an open space could relate to a TEAM, think about each canal as a group of person chatting about a specific topic. When you are in Teams, you see the channel getting bold, it’s up to you to join the conversation

HD wallpaper: Laptop on Table, cheerful, colleagues, digital ...

But most important, documents are in a central location

Once dropped in a channel and in the file tab, a document posted in a Team is saved in the SharePoint site at the back of the Team. It is meant for centralizing the document to the people part of the team. New team member will access every previously shared documents !

Chat for day to day operational conversation

Users can create 1:1 or multiple people conversation. There is no need to create a Team for an on-the-spot conversation that doesn’t need to be shared to the entire team.

Don't Do These 10 Things When Using Whisper

When using a conversation ?

  • Each message notifies users so use it when you need immediate answers from ALL those colleague.
  • Think about it as a phone call or a skype chat, some info you don’t want to save for the team…
  • That is why day to day discussion, information that could be deleted or forgotten, could go to a conversation. The entire team DOESNT need to know about those operational chats.
  • Share images etc to explain what you need to your colleagues
  • Once an information or a decision shall be shared, share to the channel.
  • A document shared in a conversation goes to the onedrive of the person sharing the document. New comer to the conversation will not access existing documents shared previously. It is useful to quickly co-create a document and once finalized, drop it to a Team or a SharePoint site (Document Center).


  • Channel for For Your Information, message such as people as CC in an email
  • Channel for Actionable conversation to certain team members (using @name in a channel).
  • Channel for documents accessible to the team
  • Chat to replace phone call or direct Skype message when you need quick answer from a limited group of colleagues. Use it wisely as it would create notification to every conversation members.

Infography to summarize

Image 385.png

Do you need assistance to empower your users ? Schedule a visio conference training with me!

Does Office 365, hosted by Microsoft requires a data backup solution ?


In short : Yes

Long answer

  • Microsoft primary responsibility is to provide an up and running infrastructure in the cloud. They do have data protection system but it doesn’t totally cover every risks that can affect your data.



  • Knowing that most of causes of data loss are caused by human actions


  • And that Office 365 data protection system have their limits.


Note that For Emails you’ll need E3 O365 plan with In-Place Hold or Litigation Hold configured to have more than 30 days deleted email retention.

In conclusion

If your data are important to you, and if you might have user asking to restore an old email or document, you need a data protection software to the rescue such as Veeam, backupify etc.

If you wish to know more about those solutions, please contact me.

Christopher and I presented more information about how that works with Veeam in this webinar (in French)

Co presenter with Christopher Glémot – Blogger of Original Network

Microsoft Teams – Modern Authentication



  • Suddenly Microsoft Teams Windows client stopped connecting and shows a white page instead or logging in.
  • Quitting or rebooting teams did not solve the issue. NO ADFS is in place
  • Azure AD Connect is in place with Seamless Single Sign-on enabled


Seems that Teams modern authentication is linked to internet explorer settings. IE Settings had javascript blocked because office.com wouldn’t load. This was following a computer setting change. I had to reset the IE settings to fix OFFICE.COM not loading.


After this Microsoft TEAMS was loading !

Error in Microsoft teams logs

Fri Nov 09 2018 15:00:11 GMT+0100 (Paris, Madrid) <10264> -- event -- Microsoft_ADAL_api_id: 176, Microsoft_ADAL_correlationId: cddc6b2a-fc0d-4b35-925b-4cf14864a0bb, Microsoft_ADAL_response_rtime: 1543103, Microsoft_ADAL_api_error_code: 4c7,Fri Nov 09 2018 15:00:11 GMT+0100 (Paris, Madrid) <10264> -- info -- Could not login user - status: 4c7 diag:1Fri Nov 09 2018 15:00:11 GMT+0100 (Paris, Madrid) <10264> -- error -- SSO: ssoerr - (Login Window) Could not login user - status: 4c7Fri Nov 09 2018 15:00:11 GMT+0100 (Paris, Madrid) <10264> -- error -- SSO: ssoerr - SSO Uber catchFri Nov 09 2018 15:00:11 GMT+0100 (Paris, Madrid) <10264> -- info -- L’authentification moderne a échoué, mais vous pourrez toujours vous connecter. Le code de votre statut est 4c7. diag:0Fri Nov 09 2018 15:00:11 GMT+0100 (Paris, Madrid) <10264> -- info -- adalsso:statusChanged to: L’authentification moderne a échoué, mais vous pourrez toujours vous connecter. Le code de votre statut est 4c7.Fri Nov 09 2018 15:00:11 GMT+0100 (Paris, Madrid) <10264> -- info -- Sso failed, updating cookie settings. Status:4c7 diag:1Fri Nov 09 2018 15:00:11 GMT+0100 (Paris, Madrid) <10264> -- info -- Focusing main window

More information about Microsoft Teams modern authentication


What is modern authentication?

Microsoft Teams has implemented a better way of signing in—we call it modern authentication. (If you’ve ever heard the term “single sign-on ” or “SSO”, that’s what we’re talking about here.) The benefit of modern authentication is that it makes it possible for you to sign in to Microsoft Teams without re-entering your email and password every time you want to start a new session. It’s a more secure and reliable way to sign in to Microsoft Teams.

Modern authentication is a process that allows you to sign in to an app securely. Since modern authentication includes SSO, it’s also part of the process that lets Microsoft Teams know that you’ve already entered your credentials (like your work email and password) elsewhere, and you shouldn’t be required to enter them again to launch the app.

Signing in with modern authentication will vary depending on a couple things, like if you’re working in Windows or on a Mac. It will also vary depending on whether your company has enabled single-factor authorization or multi-factor authorization (multi-factor authentication usually involves verifying your credentials via your phone, by providing a unique code or entering a PIN number or presenting your thumbprint). Either way, once you complete the sign in process using modern authentication, you won’t be required to provide your credentials again—from that point on, Microsoft Teams will automatically sign in to your account once you launch the app from the same machine.

With a single code, deploy your Application to SharePoint / Teams


SharePoint framework 1.7 is out since November 2018.

Developers gets the opportunity to develop the same app code source for Teams / Classic & Modern SharePoint Page

This tutorial from microsoft is well writtent to cover those steps

I’ve tested it and it is impressively easy to setup.

As per today 11 November 2018, it is only available for dev purpose, not for production purpose. This is really a good feature, together with full app page in SharePoint.





Choose which articles I should cover ! Survey time !


The blog is now viewed by more than 2500 users a month and I hope to provide more quality to the readers. By answering this survey I’ll get feedback and add more quality to the blog, as well as article ideas.

Link to the survey


Thank you in advance for this 1 minute you offer 🙂




Speaking about Office 365 data protection with Veeam, 30th of October 2018


I am glad to be speaking at a webinar with my expert colleague Christopher Glémont (@c_glemot) running original network blog about how to protect your Office 365 Data, not as safe as you could think, specially when it is the customer responsability to save it.

He is an expert & Veeam Vanguard (aka MVP for MS) in Veeam solution allowing business to take control of their Exchange, SharePoint, Office 365 data and much more.

The webinar will be 30th of October at 2PM France time, in french language. If you are interested we could maybe do one in english, please comment below 🙂

Registration link (in FRENCH)


Office 365 has recycle bin ? Why do I need a backup solution ?

  • For compliance reasons
  • To restore files that get deleted after the recycle bin (after 30 days generally)
  • To restore a data deleted from the recycle bin, by human mistake error
  • To restore data deleted by malware or even by mistake by a developer
  • etc.

More info about the product on Christopher Blog.


Does your company use a backup solution ? Do you think they are at risk ?