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[SharePoint 2010 – Developpement] Publish and approve file programmatically sharepoint 2010


I created a module which deploy a file (itemStyle for a ContentQueryWepPart), and i wanted to publish and approve it directly programmatically.
In the feature of your module :

  • Create an event Receiver
  • Add this code :
   1: public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
   2: {
   3:     publishItemStyle(properties);
   4: }
   6: private void publishItemStyle(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
   7: {
   8:     try
   9:     {
  10:         SPWeb web = (SPWeb)properties.Feature.Parent;
  11:         SPFile file = web.GetFile("Style Library/Xsl Style Sheets/ItemStyle.xsl");
  13:         if (file.Level == SPFileLevel.Checkout)
  14:             file.CheckIn("", SPCheckinType.MajorCheckIn);
  15:         if (file.Level == SPFileLevel.Draft)
  16:         {
  17:             if (file.DocumentLibrary.EnableModeration) file.Approve("");
  18:             else file.Publish("");
  19:         }
  20:         file.Update();
  21:     }
  22:     catch (Exception e)
  23:     {
  24:     }
  25: }

Hope this help,

[SharePoint 2010 – Developpement] Create a Content Query Webpart in Site Definition (onet.xml), with dynamic site Url


I wanted to create a webtemplate with content query webpart in pages. Those webpart had to have the current site url. So I used the hack “~Site” in the properties of the webpart
Here are the step for it :

Step 1 : Create the Content query WebPArt Graphically

Create your webpart, and edit its properties (filter on content type, on column etc)

STEP 2:  Export the WebPart

From the page, export the webpart

STEP 3 : Modify the generated file exported .webpart

Modification 1 :
<property name=”ListGuid” type=”string”>d2d…
replace it by =>
<property name=”ListGuid” type=”string”/>

Modification 2 :
replace the property Weburl by
<property name=”WebUrl” type=”string”>~Site</property>

=> ~Site generates the website url dynamically

Step 4 : Integrate the CQWP in your onet.xml

In the AllUsersWebpart Tag, put the code of your webpart as that :
   1: <AllUsersWebPart
   2:           WebPartZoneID="Left"
   3:           WebPartOrder="1">
   4:           [CDATA[<webParts><webPart xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v3%22>
   5:     <metaData>
   6:       <type name="Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ContentByQueryWebPart, Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" />
   7:       <importErrorMessage>Cannot import this Web Part.importErrorMessage>
   8:     metaData>
   9:     <data>………..data>
  10:   webPart>
  11: webParts>]]>
  12:         AllUsersWebPart>

Deploy the solution and it will work Sourire

[CSS] Use different CSS for Internet Explorer specific versions, with hacks for IE 6 7 8


Everybody knows about Internet Explorer Css issues.
There are some useful hacks in order to target the right version of IE

   1: body { 
   2: border:1px solid red; /* standard */
   3: border:1px solid blue9; /* IE8 and below */
   4: *border:1px solid orange; /* IE7 and below */
   5: _border:1px solid blue; /* IE6 */

[SharePoint – Error Fixing] The specified solution was not found sharepoint (Sandboxed Office 365)


That error occured during the deployment.

This could happens when you delete a sitecollection, and re create an other one with the same name.
So respect that rule : during programming on a site collection, when you create a new site Collection, give it a new name.

[SharePoint 2010 – Error fixing] Failed to extract the cab file in the solution (sharepoint 2010)


When I tried to deploy my Visual Studio Solution for a Sharepoint 2010 site collection, I had that error :
failed to extract the cab file in the solution

What solved that problem :

  • I had parenthesis() in some List instance Names. So I renamed it.

Generally, explore your package, by going in Packaging Explorer of Visual Studio, and look for elements with parenthesis, ^ or special caracter.

[SharePoint 2010] How to change the !New (New) icon duration of a uploaded document (Sharepoint 2010)


When you upload a new document in sharepoint, it will display a new ! icon near by the document. You can change that value.

How to see the duration of !New icon on a document :

Stsadm –o getproperty –pn days-to-show-new-icon –url http://url/

=> The default value of the new icon on a document is 2

Define a new value

stsadm.exe -o setproperty -pn days-to-show-new-icon -pv 0 -url http://url/
Easy no ? Sourire

[SharePoint 2010 – Developpement & Administration] Getting started with Sharepoint 2010 : useful Tools


In order to help you to build and debug your sharepoint, you’ll need some tools

Sharepoint Manager 2010 (object model explorer)

A great tool permitting you to explore your Sharepoint Websites, content types, fields, library :
There is a 2007 version available

Caml Builder

Generate CAML Query in a simply way

[EDIT 04/02/2012]

 View Sharepoint Log in a better way :

Those log viewers enable the filtering, sorting function, really useful to search an error from its correlation ID

Uls Viewer

See logs of sharepoint in a better way. It also permits you to only display the errors, and search correlation id link to the error message

and even better

SharePoint LogViewer

Same functions as Uls viewer, but the presentation is much better


[SharePoint 2010 – Developpement] Getting started with Visual Studio Tools for Sharepoint 2010


In order to help you to build your sharepoint, you’ll need some Visual Studio Tools

Generate page layout from a content type


When you create a Page layout heriting from a content type and you want to display the metadata on the page, you could use this great extension for Visual studio in order to generate the page layout.
Here a post from Waldek MastyKarz to explain how it works

Cks Dev Server

Add of lot of feature really useful, the one I use :

  • Permit you to generate page code for site definition (onet.xml)
  • Reboot IIS
  • Create Site definition in my current project, instead of creating a Site definition Project
  • etc


[SharePoint 2010 – Error Fixing] Error when creating a new site based on a custom Site Definition : “ Taxonomy Catch All Field did not exist in the site columns “


When I created a new Site based on my Site definition, I got the following error from the LOGS :

“Taxonomy Catch All Field did not exist in the site columns “.

This was because I declared my list instance in the onet.xml :

<List FeatureId=”1875b07d-8d5a-445e-b7a6-23f0373b63a0″ Type=”101″ Title=”Documents QSE” Url=”$Resources:core,lists_Folder;/Documents QSE” QuickLaunchUrl=”$Resources:core,lists_Folder;/Documents QSE/AllItems.aspx” />

That was wrong though. I had to create the instance in the List Definition.
Hope this help